Computer Ethics - Tech Guy Nepal

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Computer Ethics

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What is Ethics?
§   Branch of philosophy
§   Helps people find their way through moral dilemma.

Moral Dilemma
§   When it is not clear which, if any, moral rule applies.
§   When two or more rule applies and they conflict.

What is a Computer Ethics?
§   Explores the way that ethical principal can be used to think through the moral dilemmas caused by computer use.

Ethical Principles
§   An act is ethical if, were everyone to act the same way, society as a whole would benefit.
§   If treats people as an end in themselves, rather than as a means to an end.
§   If impartial observers would judge that it is fair to all the parties concerned.

Computer Ethics for Computer Users
§   Respect yourself and do not give password to any second person.
§   Respect others and do not ask for passwords or use the disk space used by others.
§   Always give credit your originality.

Computer Ethics for Computer Professionals
§   A high standard of skill and knowledge.
§   A confidential relationship with people served.
§   Public reliance upon the standards of conduct in established practice.
§   The observance of an ethical code.

Ten commandments
§   Not use a computer to harm other people.
§   Not interfere with other people's computer work.
§   Not snoop around in other people's files.
§   Not use a computer to steal.
§   Not use a computer to beal false witness.
§   Not use other people's computer resource without authorization or proper permission.
§   Not appropriate people's intellectual output.
§   Think about the social consequences of the program you write or the system you design.
§   Use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect for your fellow humans.
§   Not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.

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